2017 Year End Review

2017 is coming to a close and I feel I need to make a year end review to reflect on the lessons I’ve learned in order to grow. 2017 has been all about Respect, Responsibility and Results. 


Whether in my personal life or my business relationships, I hold respect above anything else. 2017 showed me that I can’t push myself (my emotions, my dreams, my ambitions) to the side to make others happyThe moment someone showed me that I wasn’t of value to them and they didn’t respect me, I did my best to walk away. It’s not easy walking away from friendships or careers but life has been and always will be too short to hold on to things that don’t make you happy. If people don’t like that, fuck it.

Year end review


Mid-2016 I made the decision to put fashion to the side, put event production in the back of my mind and chase after any and ever dream that I could come up with no matter how hard it seemed. In return, when I started 2017 I was on a mission. I stopped listening to how people “thought” I should grow my brand and how I should network. I stopped living for others. I stopped worrying about numbers all the time. I cried. I was upset. I was succesful. I had to take detours becaue chaseing your dreams is a hard job. I made the impossible, possible. 

End of the Year Review


I have worked my ass off this year. 3,000 photos per event, blog post up in less than 48hrs of the event. I’m consistently giving quality over quantity. I got to collaborate with beautiful people without an agency or an assignment. Taken shots of 70% of the Billboard Hot 100 and a few of my favorite Korean HipHop Artist. Not to mention traveling, being healthy and happy.  Oh and I haven’t let the algorithms get to me.  I’ve learning from the experiences and let my results talk for me. 

I believed in the process and also myself. 

But enough about me. 2017 was a rough year for all of us. Whether you were a creative, apart of the working force, a student, or just a person in search of a better tomorrow, it seemed like something was off for all of us. Because of that I asked a few of my favorite creative friends“What did you learn from 2017.”
Their answers are honest and unedited. Unfiltered. Lessons for you to take into 2018. 

Lessons from the creators and inspiring people I know: 

  • Taizja from @taizjamarie | 
    • “This year I learned that you have to bet on yourself, meaning invest in your ideas, nurture your creativity, be confident in your abilities and above all trust yourself.”
  • Andrew Aquino AKA @supwiththeworld |
    • “Don’t twist yourself into something you are not to please everyone. Be self-aware. Unapologetically, authentically you.”
  • Kaye McCoy of @cookayemonster |
    • “One thing I’ve learned this year that I’m definitely taking to 2018, is the power of the ask. If there’s something you want to do, or someone you want to work with, simply ask for it. Don’t be afraid of No. Most times the thing you want most, wants you back. Go get it!”
  • Jarell from @explorerjerry |
    • “What I’ve learned from 2017 is: the only thing you can control, are how you perceive things. Once I learned to accept things for what they are, I also learned to embrace them. After that, the positive things and blessings just started pouring!”
  • Austin Barcelona AKA SUA |
    • “One thing I learned about my art is that we have this preconceived idea how we, as an artist, want it to be and sometimes they’re unrealistic expectations. As a result, we tend to be disappointed about the art that we create. I came to realization that people love my work because they have no idea what the end result is going to be like. And to them, it’s something beautiful to their ears. Your art is your own playground.I learned that artists shouldn’t overthink and compare because that’s the worst thing you could do to yourself.”
  • Kayla | 
    • Life is about how you react to what’s thrown at you. Don’t let the bad times control you. Pain is inevitable, suffering is an option. Let go. Life really does go on…. (it goes on hella fast 😩) If you want something, go and get it. It’s simple. Be about yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you shit. Work hard. Mind your own business. Success will follow.

Lets all learn from each other & keep growing into 2018. 

Happy New Year. 

- Asha Moné


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