ROYGBIV | Yellow is the color of Spirituality


Yellow is the color of hope, the color of optimism and the color that tells you to slow down.


I wanted to put this post up in May for Mental Health Awareness Month but 2018 has had most of us lost in our emotions. Between social media, current events, and anything else that has to do with what is wrong with humanity, we are stuck in a state of questionability. Last month had me astonished by the number of people suggesting that I show more skin as a power move instead of working hard. I could list out all the crazy suggestions I have heard over the last 6 months but I will blame the universe, moons, and stars for everyone's lack of empathy or loss of brain cells.  Thank you, Mercury, for being in retrograde. You bring out the best in people.


These are the things I'd rather be doing instead of listening to any of that:

On a weekly bases, I'm usually plagued with people tell me to change up my style and values in some capacity. Their opinions are their own but I have to politely disregard them. We are all fighting our own battles with success and personal preservation. While living in the "City of Angeles" doesn't help with the struggle to keep your head on straight, we must be mindful of the advice we give each other and the comments we put out into the world. Have you been on twitter lately? Can you honestly tell me that you care about 60% of the opinions that you see passing your timeline? Or are you just apart of the conversation because you don't want to be left behind?

I can't live like that. In the last month, I have spent more time offline and focused on being present in my surroundings. My focus is on attending events I care about and doing research that a lot of writers aren't interested in doing. 

I'm not a conformist. Trying to be one gives me anxiety. For those of you that are wondering, in recent mental health studies conducted on people between 19 to 35, there is an increased chance of showing depression and anxiety symptoms. To those of you reading this, you are not alone.


I am learning to be comfortable with the person I am. I just don't want to be the face in front of the camera. I don't need to be at events smiling at every designer, musician or influencer I see. I don't need to fake "girl power" or show I'm for "women supporting women" for likes. I don't have FOMO. I don't have a fear of missing out. I'm not perfect, I'm growing. To be honest, I'm just trying to do what makes me happy. I'm hopeful. I'm enjoying the ups and downs that are life.

Good things come to those that want it and work hard for it. If my way is the hard way, so be it.

Tip of the week: Turn off your phone for a couple of days. Discover some new music. Go get inspired.


Asha Moné



ROYGBIV | Blue is the color of


ROYGBIV | Green is the color of